TONS of new features & products added. Plus… happy to say we are working with a great new client that you will see Interactive Garage in action with in the next 10-14 days.
Check out the demo page here:
New features include:
Product Video – Linking products to video pages that help consumers see install tips, general product features and benefits, or just general brand messaging from the manufacturers. All driven by YouTube. After selecting a product, if a video is available a video icon will show up in the shopping cart section at the bottom of the page. You can see a sample of this in the Exterior Accessories > Front Bumpers > Poison Spyder > Brawler Lite Bumper.
Additional Images – Our “i” or Info box was built to give the main feature and benefit bullet points for each product. Giving manufacturers the ability to display more images on each product will allow consumers to see just that, more images. Best part is the gallery we are using is powered by Facebook Albums. Manufacturers create an album in their facebook photos, send us the link and that album is tied to that particular product. All new photos added will auto update with the Interactive Garage, forever. This feature really gives dual purpose for adding images; benefits facebook fans as well as Interactive Garage users. You can see a sample of this in the Performance Accessories > Lift Kits 4″ > Rancho Long Arm System.
Stayed tuned…much more to come!